Saturday, April 20, 2024

Subnetting Problem for April 20th, 2024

 Subnetting Problem - 4/20/2024

We will add a daily subnetting problem. The answer to the subnetting problem of the day will be posted the following day.

Feel free to post your answers in the comments.

For this problem, we need the following (this is an IP address within the subnet,

Network ID:
First Usable IP Address:
Last Usable IP Address:
Broadcast address: 

1 comment:

  1. Here is the answer for the subnetting problem on 4/20/2024

    Network ID:
    First Usable IP Address:
    Last Usable IP Address:
    Broadcast address:


Network Path Discovery Tools

 Tracert - Traceroute Both of these are command-line tools. Both use ICMP for the discovery. Tracert Windows uses tracert for path discovery...